几则小偷的故事 最妙的偷窃手法拥拥攘攘的车站里,甲乙两人相向而行,甲的口袋里还有一张十块的钞票。擦身而过,一只陌生的右手伸入了陌生的右口袋,顺走了这张十元钞票。甲反身便扣住了乙,“你这偷钱的小偷!”说罢便同围观的好事人胖揍了乙一顿。“看你以后还偷不偷。” 甲乙两人依旧相向而行,擦身而过,陌生的右手同样伸入了陌生的口袋。伸出时仍然带出了张十元钞票。甲顿觉不妙,伸手进入口袋,竟然也掏出了张十元的钞票。甲看了看乙,没说 2021-06-25 杂谈 #故事 #知识版权
雪莱诗译(3)--哀歌 英文原文A Dirge Rough wind, that moanest loudGrief too sad for song;Wild wind, when sullen cloudKnells all the night long;Sad storm whose tears are vain,Bare woods, whose branches strain,Deep caves and dr 2021-06-06 诗歌 #雪莱 #翻译
雪莱诗译(2)--对白 英文原文A Dialogue DEATH:For my dagger is bathed in the blood of the brave,I come, care-worn tenant of life, from the grave,Where Innocence sleeps ‘neath the peace-giving sod,And the good cease to tremble 2021-05-30 诗歌 #雪莱 #翻译
雪莱诗译(1)--婚礼赞歌 英文原文A Bridal Song I. The golden gates of Sleep unbarWhere Strength and Beauty, met together,Kindle their image like a starIn a sea of glassy weather!Night, with all thy stars look down, —Darkness, wee 2021-05-23 诗歌 #雪莱 #翻译
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